By BitterGrey
Removing the hair from the diaper area is a common practice among ABDLs. The benefits include seeming more babyish, as well as easier cleanup and odor control. However, there are also some drawbacks to defuzzing down there. Hair removal might be time-consuming, expensive, and/or painful, depending on the method.
Typically the first region an ABDL thinks about removing is the pubic "bush." In addition to being a mark of adulthood, this area has lots of hair that is easy to remove. Having less hair makes the area easier to clean during diaper changes. This will reduce odor by reducing both the amount of old urine and number of bacteria left on the body after the change. These benefits can be expanded by removing hair from other areas, such as the scrotum, hips, etc. An ABDL who messes should also consider carefully shaving around his anus too. Shaving under the gathers of the diaper might help improve the seal a little.
While being "as smooth as a baby's bottom" was taken for granted at one time in our lives. It isn't so easy now. Depending on the method of hair removal, it might be painful, bloody, expensive, and/or require frequent maintenance. There are additional complications as well. For example, wearing a swimsuit after diaper-area hair removal might require removing a lot more hair, to avoid looking like diaper-area hair removal.
The best hair removal method for you will depend on your particular hair type and amount, and on how hairless you wish to be. This best method might be different than what you use for your face. Even if you decide to use the same method, you should use a different device. This is important for cleanliness. Unless you are familiar with another method of body hair removal, the best place to start is probably with a safety razor and a lot of care.
Method |
Pro |
Con |
Notes |
Safety razor |
Electric shaver (Norelco Bodygroom, etc.) |
Epilator (Braun Silk-epil Xelle, etc.) |
Depilatory creams (Nair®, etc.) |
Do it in the shower, with a timer the first time. You might need to rinse thoroughly and quickly. |
While each method has its pros and cons, there are some things that apply to them all.
When gathering supplies, prepare for cuts and small bleeds. These happen, especially while learning new tools or learning how to handle the scrotum. Learn the appropriate angle to hold the tool at, relative to the skin. Always err towards too little force: Too little force and you'll need to go over the area gain, to much and you might have to deal with pain, bloodshed, and possibly scarring.
Clear shavings from the tool frequently. A tool clogged with hairs won't work properly, but might still cause pain and bloodshed. In the case of a safety razor, you might need to clear the shavings every few inches your first time. This can be done by pushing the razor along a towel (not pulling, since we don't want to shave the towel.) Other times, there will be less hair, so clearing won't be as important. For the safety razor, you might be able to clear it sufficiently by moving it back and forth along the skin - pulling to shave, pushing to clear. Some tools are self-clearing if you use them often enough.
Don't plan on wearing a diaper afterwards. There might be some cuts, soreness, irritation, or rashes that should be given time to clear up.
Finally, don't feel obligated to do it all the first time. The pubes are the best place to start. Do the scrotum or around the anus only after you've found a method and tool you trust blindly. (Quite literally for some areas: Unless you use mirrors or get help, you won't be able to see what you are doing.)
Always pull skin taught or wrap it around smooth volumes. This is particularly important with the scrotum.
Chafing, where skin wears off due to friction, can be a new problem after hair removal: The hair provided some protection. Over time the skin may adapt by becoming tougher. However, during the transition there is a higher risk of chafing. This chafing may aggravate or initiate at any razor burn or other damage from hair removal. Precautions range from baby powders and creams to pastes dedicated to preventing athletic chafing, such as the chamois butters used by cyclists. Those who are athletic or overweight are more at risk of chafing. Wet skin is also more prone to chafing.
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