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The Clinical Mental Health Experience of Persons with Paraphilic Infantilism and Autonepiophilia. A phenomenological research study - Appendix D
Appendix D of The Clinical Mental Health Experience of Persons with Paraphilic Infantilism and Autonepiophilia. A phenomenological research study, a doctoral dissertation by Dr. Rhoda J. Lipscomb, PhD, LPC, DAACS, BCPC. It is also available in
- How would you describe the origins of
your ABDL interests? Are there biological, psychological, and/or
sociological aspects to how it developed? Are there sexual aspects
of its development? Please explain.
- Have you noticed changes in your ABDL
desires over the years? Have they increased, decreased or stayed the
same? If they have changed, how have they changed and are you happy
or unhappy with the changes? Please explain.
- What do those outside the ABDL community,
whether mental health or medical professionals and family/friends,
need to understand about your ABDL interests that many do not seem
to comprehend? How would this make your life better?
- What do you find to be the most helpful
when you are dealing with issues such as depression, anxiety, anger,
stress or trouble sleeping?
- Do you know others in the ABDL community
who could use help with issues such as self-esteem, shame,
depression, anxiety yet do not seek therapy because of a distrust of
the mental health community? What reasons do they give for their
lack of trust?
- What changes would the mental health
community need to make to improve the level of trust from the ABDL
Dissertation: 2014| HTML conversion: 14 September 2014
Do you have
Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?
This work is copyright Dr. Rhoda J. Lipscomb, PhD, LPC, DAACS, BCPC, posted by permission. Dr. Lipscomb can be reached at .